PPC Success in 2024: Navigating Privacy Policies & Automation

PPC isn’t in decline; it has simply evolved.

We are now in an era where changes in user behavior, privacy policies, and algorithm advancements have redefined the rules of the game. Increased privacy restrictions and the removal of third-party cookies have fragmented audiences, resulting in less precise targeting and a need for more creative approaches to reach the target audience.

Simultaneously, search algorithms and social platforms have changed their priorities, reducing organic traffic and forcing businesses to rely more on paid advertising to reach their audiences. The increased competition has driven up CPM (cost per thousand impressions), meaning our clients must be more strategic and efficient to offset these rising costs.

Adapting to Automation

Today, PPC platforms and channels have leaned towards automation based on their algorithm criteria to counteract the current context’s impact on their results. However, we have found that this is not entirely beneficial for advertisers, as manual control is increasingly limited, often prioritizing platform recommendations over individual logic.

Have you noticed how every time you create a campaign, the platform recommends making it automated? Do you receive prompts to increase your budget? Are you sure your ad will appear exactly as you created it? Be cautious of automatic implementations some platforms make to your creatives.

Creativity and Experimentation: Keys to Success

At Digitescu Agency, we believe the two best options for optimizing and improving campaign results are creativity and experimentation.

Creativity: The Secret Sauce for PPC Success

In this context, creativity has become the most crucial differentiator in achieving better PPC campaign results. With increasingly limited segmentation capabilities on platforms like Meta and Google, creativity in ads is crucial. 

In an era where capturing attention is harder, ads must be designed to attract and engage the audience immediately. We ensure that the design and message of the creative are appealing and relevant, personalizing the message and content to resonate with the target audience. Additionally, it’s important to adapt the message according to two new variables: the user’s awareness state and the stage of the funnel they are in, from those unaware of your product/service to those ready to buy.

Awareness States and Full Funnel Strategy

At Digitescu, we work with five awareness states for evaluating a user’s perspective on your product/service. These five states are:

1. Unaware: Users don’t know they have a problem. Ads should educate and spark interest.

2. Problem Aware: Users recognize the problem. Ads should empathize and guide towards a solution.

3. Solution Aware: Users know the solutions available, so ads should highlight the benefits of your product/service.

4. Product Aware: Users know your product/service but have doubts, so ads should remove objections and build trust.

5. Most Aware: Users are ready to buy, so ads should offer attractive incentives for immediate purchase/engagement.

Once you understand how to represent each awareness state in your creatives, it’s important to know where each piece goes and how to maintain order to analyze each part of the funnel appropriately.

Trigger Events: The Start of Every Purchase

At Digitescu, we know that every purchase begins with a trigger event that moves a buyer from being oblivious to being in the market for a new solution. In our creative strategy, we leverage key triggers like the Bandwagon Effect and Social Proof to enhance the evaluation stage, and Anchoring and Peak-End Rule to captivate during active looking. We also use Status Quo Bias to challenge customers’ resistance to change. In our next blog post we’ll talk about these triggers and how the make use of them in every stage of the funnel. 

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